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Launchpad is a toolkit for running a Graph Protocol Indexer on Kubernetes. It aims to provide the fastest path to production multi-chain indexing, with sane security and performance defaults. It should work well whether you have a single node cluster or twenty. It is comprised of an opinionated set of tools on your local machine, layered over one another to provide a declarative workflow to manage your deployments stack.

There are three major components to be aware of:

  1. Launchpad Starter (graphops/launchpad-starter): A starting point for every new Launchpad deployment
  2. Launchpad Charts (graphops/launchpad-charts): A collection of Helm Charts for blockchains and web3 apps
  3. Launchpad Namespaces (graphops/launchpad-namespaces): A collection of preconfigured Kubernetes Namespaces using Helmfile

Launchpad components


  • Actively maintained by GraphOps and contributors
  • An opinionated starter (launchpad-starter) to define and manage your stack in a declarative, version controlled manner
  • A collection of Helm Charts for deploying and monitoring blockchain nodes and Graph Protocol Indexers in Kubernetes, with P2P NodePort support
  • Preconfigured namespaces for core cluster functions (logging, monitoring, etc) and major blockchains
  • An automated dependency update pipeline for graphops/launchpad-charts and graphops/launchpad-namespaces

Next Steps

  • Read the Prerequisites section to understand what you need to bring
  • Read the Quick Start guide to get up and running
  • Look at the repositories above on GitHub to understand how they work
  • Review Advanced Topics to understand more advanced behavior