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Subgraph Radio

Subgraph Radio is an optional component of the Graph Protocol Indexer Stack. It uses the Graphcast Network to facilitate the exchange of data among Indexers and other participants about Subgraphs.

The source code for the Subgraph Radio is available on GitHub and Docker builds are automatically published as GitHub Packages. Subgraph Radio is also published as a crate on

Basic Configuration

The Subgraph Radio can be configured using environment variables, CLI arguments, as well as a .toml or .yaml configuration file. Take a look at the configuration options to learn more. In all cases, users will need to prepare the following configuration variables:

NameDescription and examples
PRIVATE_KEYPrivate key of the Graphcast ID wallet or the Indexer Operator wallet (precendence over MNEMONIC).
Example: 0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef
INDEXER_ADDRESSIndexer address for Graphcast message verification, in all lowercase.
Example: 0xabcdcabdabcdabcdcabdabcdabcdcabdabcdabcd
GRAPH_NODE_STATUS_ENDPOINTURL to a Graph Node Indexing Status endpoint.
Example: http://index-node:8030/graphql
INDEXER_MANAGEMENT_SERVER_ENDPOINTURL to the Indexer management server of Indexer Agent. Example: http://localhost:18000
REGISTRY_SUBGRAPHURL to the Graphcast Registry subgraph for your network. Check APIs for your preferred network
NETWORK_SUBGRAPHURL to the Graph Network subgraph. Check APIs for your preferred network
GRAPHCAST_NETWORKThe Graphcast Messaging fleet and pubsub namespace to use.
Mainnet: mainnet
Goerli: testnet

Run with Docker

  1. Pull the Subgraph Radio image
docker pull
  1. Run the image, providing the required environment variables. Here's a sample mainnet configuration:
docker run \
-e GRAPHCAST_NETWORK="mainnet" \
-e GRAPH_NODE_STATUS_ENDPOINT="http://graph-node:8030/graphql" \
-e RUST_LOG="warn,hyper=warn,graphcast_sdk=info,subgraph_radio=info" \

(or) Run with docker-compose

You can append this service definition to your docker-compose manifest and customise the definitions:

# ... your other service definitions
container_name: subgraph-radio
restart: unless-stopped
GRAPH_NODE_STATUS_ENDPOINT: "http://graph-node:8030/graphql"
RUST_LOG: "warn,hyper=warn,graphcast_sdk=info,subgraph_radio=info"
driver: local

(or) Run as part of StakeSquid's docker-compose setup

Subgraph Radio is included as an optional component in both the mainnet and testnet versions of StakeSquid's guide.

(or) Run using a pre-built binary

We also provide pre-built binaries for Ubuntu and MacOS, which you can find in the Assets section on each release in the releases page on Github. Simply download the binary, make it executable (chmod a+x ./subgraph-radio-{TAG}-{SYSTEM}) and then run it (using ./subgraph-radio-{TAG}-{SYSTEM}).

Developing the Subgraph Radio

Building the image using the Dockerfile locally

If you want to make any changes to the Subgraph Radio codebase, you can use this option.

  1. Clone this repo and cd into it
  2. Create a .env file that includes at least the required environment variables. To see the full list of environment variables you can provide, check out the Configuration section.
Running the Subgraph Radio inside a Docker container
docker-compose up -d

Building Subgraph Radio locally

To have full control over the Subgraph Radio code and run it directly on your machine (without Docker) you can use this option.


  1. Clone this repo and cd into it
  2. Make sure you have the following installed:
  • Rust
  • Go
  • Build tools (e.g. the build-essentials package for Debian-based Linux distributions or Xcode Command Line Tools for MacOS)
  • C compiler (e.g. the clang package for Debian-based Linux distribution or Xcode Command Line Tools for MacOS)
  • OpenSSL (e.g. the libssl-dev package for Debian-based Linux distribution or openssl for MacOS)
  • PostreSQL libraries and headers (e.g. the libpq-dev package for Debian-based Linux distribution or postgresql for MacOS)
  1. You have Graph Node syncing your indexer's on-chain allocations.
  2. You have created a .env file that includes at least the required environment variables. To see the full list of environment variables you can provide, check out the Configuration section.

Running the Subgraph Radio natively

cargo run --release