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Listener Radio

The source code for Listener Radio is available on GitHub and Docker builds are automatically published as GitHub Packages.


This Radio shall monitor Graphcast network by the pubsub topic of graphcast-v[version]-[network]. The Radio will not send messages to the network, but instead will record the messages and generate basic metrics for network monitoring.

Graphcast network is a complex system with numerous nodes and connections, and monitoring it is crucial for maintaining its performance, identifying potential issues, and ensuring its robustness and reliability.

  • Performance Optimization: to identify bottlenecks and areas of inefficiency.
  • Troubleshooting: to quickly diagnose issues within the network, reducing downtime and improving reliability.
  • Security: to immediately detect any unusual activity that might indicate a security breach.
  • Planning and Forecasting: Record valuable data that can be used for planning and forecasting purposes, helping us to make informed decisions about the network's future.

Quick Start

  • Ensure a running Postgres instance
  • Set Postgres url to DATABASE_URL in .env
  • Set general GraphcastAgent environmental variables shown in the below table
  • cargo run from source code (later should use Github actions to build source and dockerize

Basic Configuration

You will need to prepare the following environment variables:

NameDescription and examples
DATABASE_URLPostgres Database URL. The tool comes with automatic database migration, database url passed in must be exist and can be connected.
Example: postgresql://[username]:[password]@[pg_host]:[pg_port]/[db_name]
PRIVATE_KEYPrivate key to the Graphcast ID wallet (Precendence over mnemonics).
Example: 0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef
GRAPH_NODE_STATUS_ENDPOINTURL to a Graph Node Indexing Status endpoint.
Example: http://index-node:8030/graphql
REGISTRY_SUBGRAPHURL to the Graphcast Registry subgraph for your network. Check APIs for your preferred network
NETWORK_SUBGRAPHURL to the Graph Network subgraph. Check APIs for your preferred network
GRAPHCAST_NETWORKThe Graphcast Messaging fleet and pubsub namespace to use.
Mainnet: mainnet
Goerli: testnet

Example message table

1{"nonce": 1686182179, "network": "mainnet", "payload": {"content": "0x3f...", "identifier": "QmVhiE4nax9i86UBnBmQCYDzvjWuwHShYh7aspGPQhU5Sj"}, "signature": "dff1...", "block_hash": "276e...", "identifier": "QmVhiE4nax9i86UBnBmQCYDzvjWuwHShYh7aspGPQhU5Sj", "block_number": 17431860}
2{"nonce": 1686182183, "network": "goerli", "payload": {"content": "0xc0...", "identifier": "QmacQnSgia4iDPWHpeY6aWxesRFdb8o5DKZUx96zZqEWrB"}, "signature": "dbd2...", "block_hash": "0198...", "identifier": "QmacQnSgia4iDPWHpeY6aWxesRFdb8o5DKZUx96zZqEWrB", "block_number": 9140860}

Advanced Configuration

In the configuration table below is the full list of environment variables you can set, along with example values.

See Basic Configuration above. The following environment variables are optional:

Name (Optional variables)Description and examples
MNEMONICMnemonic to the Graphcast ID wallet (first address of the wallet is used; Only one of PRIVATE_KEY or MNEMONIC is needed). Example: claptrap armchair violin...
COLLECT_MESSAGE_DURATIONSeconds that the Subgraph Radio will wait to collect remote POI attestations before making a comparison with the local POI. Example: 120 for 2 minutes.
TOPICSComma separated static list of content topics (subgraphs) to subscribe to. Example: QmWmyoMoctfbAaiEs2G46gpeUmhqFRDW6KWo64y5r581Vz,QmUwCFhXM3f6qH9Ls9Y6gDNURBH7mxsn6JcectgxAz6CwU,QmQ1Lyh3U6YgVP6YX1RgRz6c8GmKkEpokLwPvEtJx6cF1y
WAKU_HOSTInterface onto which to bind the bundled Waku node. Example:
WAKU_PORTP2P port on which the bundled Waku node will operate. Example: 60000
WAKU_NODE_KEYStatic Waku Node Key.
BOOT_NODE_ADDRESSESPeer addresses to use as Waku boot nodes. Example: "addr1, addr2, addr3"
TELEGRAM_TOKENTelegram Bot Token to use for notifications. Example: 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11
TELEGRAM_CHAT_IDThe ID of the Telegram chat to send messages to. Example: -1001234567890
WAKU_LOG_LEVELWaku node logging configuration. Example: INFO (is also the default)
RUST_LOGRust tracing configuration. Example: graphcast_sdk=debug,subgraph_radio=debug, defaults to info for everything
DISCORD_WEBHOOKDiscord webhook URL for notifications. Example:
SLACK_WEBHOOKSlack webhook URL for notifications. Example:
METRICS_PORTIf set, the Radio will expose Prometheus metrics on this (off by default). Example: 3001
METRICS_HOSTIf set, the Radio will expose Prometheus metrics on this (off by default). Example:
SERVER_HOSTIf SERVER_PORT is set, the Radio will expose an API service on the given host and port. Default:
SERVER_PORTIf set, the Radio will expose an API service on the given port (off by default). Example: 8080
LOG_FORMATOptions: pretty - verbose and human readable; json - not verbose and parsable; compact - not verbose and not parsable; full - verbose and not parsible. Default value: pretty.
DISCV5_ENRSComma separated ENRs for Waku Discv5 bootstrapping. Defaults to empty list.
DISCV5_PORTDiscoverable UDP port. Default: 9000
ID_VALIDATIONDefines the level of validation for message signers used during radio operation. Options include: no-check, valid-address, graphcast-registered, graph-network-account, registered-indexer, indexer

Configurations explained

Identity validaiton

ID_VALIDATION is used to define level of validation for message signers used during radio operation.

Available Options:

  • no-check: does not perform check on the message signature and does not verify the signer.
  • valid-address: checks the signer to be a valid Ethereum address.
  • graphcast-registered: checks the signer to be registered on Graphcast Registry.
  • graph-network-account: checks the signer to be a Graph account.
  • registered-indexer: checks the signer to be registered on Graphcast Registry and corresponds to an Indexer that satisfies the minimum stake requirement.
  • indexer: checks the signer to be either registered on Graphcast Registry or to be a Graph Account, and corresponds to an Indexer satisfying the minimum stake requirement.

Gossip protocol

WAKU_HOST and WAKU_PORT specify where the bundled Waku node runs. If you want to run multiple Radios, or multiple instances of the same Radio, you should run them on different ports.

If you want to customize the log level, you can toggle RUST_LOG environment variable. Here's an example configuration to get more verbose logging:


Discv5 is an ambient node discovery network for establishing a decentralized network of interconnected Graphcast Radios. Discv5, when used in Graphcast Radios, serves as a dedicated peer-to-peer discovery protocol that empowers Radios to form an efficient, decentralized network. Without Discv5, the traffic within the Graphcast network would largely rely on centrally hosted boot nodes, leading to a less distributed architecture. However, with Discv5, Radios are capable of directly routing messages among themselves, significantly enhancing network decentralization and reducing reliance on the central nodes. If you want to learn more about Discv5, check out the official spec.

Monitoring the Radio

Prometheus & Grafana

The exposed metrics can be scraped by a Prometheus server and displayed in Grafana. In order to use them you have to have a local Prometheus server running and scraping metrics on the provided port. You can specify the metrics host and port by using the environment variables METRICS_PORT and METRICS_HOST.

HTTP Server

The Radio spins up an HTTP server with a GraphQL API when SERVER_HOST and SERVER_PORT environment variables are set. The supported routes are:

  • /health for health status
  • /api/v1/graphql for GET and POST requests with GraphQL playground interface

The GraphQL API now includes:

Below are an example query:

query {
rows {
message {
payload {

messages {
payload {

example mutation:
